
Monday, April 11, 2022

Terrain Workshop Sorted (at least for now)


Well I've managed to clean out the Terrain Workshop.  Sadly, the bulk of the "debris" consisted of various shipping boxes that were retained for storage or to use in building terrain.  Of course neither of those objectives were fulfilled.

This space measure 8x8 and serves as both a terrain workbench and storage.  The big plus of this apce is it has a pair of doors which can be closed and hide the mess from the wife.  She has learned long ago that these doors are best left closed.

I've got the bulk and most commonly used scenery materials in a shelf unit right next to the work bench.

If we pan in a clockwise direction one can see 1 of 2 small parts bins - this one has small terrain items like various grass tufts, different grades of sand and special small detail parts.

Continuing our clockwise progression is a new paint rack for craft paints and the second small parts bin which is pretty much empty (for now)

In this corner, I store my unfinished hex terrain (just cut hexes in the boxes and my collection of 2x2 terrain panels.

Finally, another storage cabinet - the drawers hold my 6mm Russo-Japanese War collection and the plastic bins have 6mm ancients.  On top are my fully finished 4" hex terrain. 

Speaking of terrain making, I did decide to do a little work on the hex terrain - you knew that workbench couldn't stay that clean!

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Hobby Space Reorg - Phase II


The Painting desk clean up is complete.  I added some paint racks that I got from Gamecraft Miniatures to organize my paints and try to keep them off the work space.  We'll see how long that lasts.

I also purchased a large small parts bin to organize my collection of basses.  I think its safe to say that I'm long bases.  During the clean up a large number of bases where discovered (re-discovered?) so my inventory of bases if rather large.  Those very nice people at Litko should be very happy with me.  I. ummm, have a lot of bases to work through.  Some people have a lead mountain, I've got a wood one.

Next up will be organizing the workshop area I use for terrain making and storage.  If my painting desk was described as a "disaster" the only word for this space is catastrophe! 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Hobby Space Re-Organization


My Hobby area has become an organizational disaster - this is how it looks AFTER a massive clean up.  It's just not as functional and tidy as it should be and I find my work space shrinking every month or so to a 6 inch x 6 inch spot in the center as debris piles up.

I originally has this bench custom built at least 5 years ago and it's been really good hobby "investment" but it could be more functional.  On each side are some cubbies that I thought would be useful for holding small parts and tools.  Unfortunately, they functional more like a graveyard where stuff falls in never to be seen again.

Heres the left side - I have no idea what the cubbies are stuffed with but at least I keep the TY remotes on top and accessible.  
The right side set of cubbies are just over-stuffed and essentially are inaccessible.  

I'm going to build some shelve units to sit on top the cubbies and provide some more platform space - on the right side of the picture you can see on of the tier paint rack systems I'm going to place on top of the shelves.

I cleaned out the cubbies and piles all of that crap onto the bench top and installed the shelf extensions.  The shel units are just 1/2 birch plywood cut in a 24x9 inch size.  They're held in place by blocks of wood the are friction fit into the cubbies and then the plywood is screwed on.  This makes them very secure but easily moveable to be reconfigured.  Once I figure out the setup, I'll stain the shelves to match the chestnut coloring of the bench frame.

I now need to sort through the mess of stuff that has accumulated over the years.  There's just so much "stuff"...

I do realize that it's been a very long time since I've updated this blog.  I decided to take a little break from blogging as it was becoming more of a chore than fun.  I may transition Lair of the Uber Geek away from blogger (as Google seems to be uninterested in really supporting the tool) and over to another platform but haven't made any decisions on that.