
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Back to Painting

 Finally a bit of jet-lagged painting on Sunday.  First up are two test figures from the Reaper Bones line.  A Stone golem on the left and a stone giant on the right.  The giant is 80mm tall.

Reaper bones are really cheap, have nice sculpting but are cast is a softer plastic that's very "bendy"  They require a good bit of cleanup but you just can't beat the price and I recommend them as a cheap way to get some baddies for Frostgrave or another fantasy game.

 They take paint well and you're not supposed to prime them - put the paint on directly after washing them in soapy water.

If the models come bent - like the club on the giant just put them in hot (not boiling) water and you can bend adjust the piece.  Once cooled it should retain the new shape.
 I haven't finished the bases as I'm not sure of the color scheme for the terrain I'll be building so more on that later.
 Did I say they were cheap?  The range is huuuuge and you can stock up on bad-guys for a really low price - hence the cheap comment.

I don't know how the figures hold up with tabletop usage but we shall see.
I also started a second team for Guildhall - the Hunters and will be going for an arctic theme - hence the polar bear.

Monday, September 26, 2016

London & Lambeth Castle

Wow - almost a month without a post.  This damn work thing can be most inconvenient hobby wise.

I just got back from a quick trip to London for a Clear Score board meeting and a few other meetings.  It was sunny the entire week - unheard of.

I had zero open time for any social activities but managed to get in a stroll this Saturday am before catching my flight home.

 The stock picture of Big Ben.
 I did finally investigate Lambeth Castle along it's perimeter.  The company's offices a literally across the street from the castle but I never really looked at it.  It's a really interesting set of building.

I love the brick textures and, yes, just about every walk-about ends in in adding to my terrain making ideas.

 A shot of Lambeth bridge.  It may not be the most majestic of the Thames bridges but I walk across it several times a day when in London.
 Lambeth Church - I will be making a terrain piece that looks like this

 Theres a nice garden/green area across the street from the office
It would be really nice if the contraction was done.

Another whirlwind trip to London - arrive tuesday am and leave Saturday afternoon.  Total free time to play - 1.5 hrs sat morning - that's not so hot.  I'm really bad at this boondoggling thing.