
Thursday, December 29, 2016

AHPC VII: First 2 Submissions

 The challenge is on!  My first two submissions are in 28mm scale WW2 themes.

First is a 76MM m4 Sherman from Trenchworx. It's just a superb model and a joy to paint.
Next up, a small force of French Foreign Legion with some aging armored support in the form of an old FT-17.  The figures are from the Perry line and are wonderful sculpts but required a good bit of effort in the clean up.  The tank is another Trenchworx kit and (again) is just superb.  You may not have noticed but I've become a huge fan of Trenchworx and the quality product they put out.

Back to the painting workbench....

Monday, December 26, 2016

Blood Bowl

Its a big hit with my son!

The game has really well done components and typical very high GW plastic sculpts

I'm very impressed and having a blast with the game

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Lamps Done

 The switches for my son's steam punk lamp Christmas present are all done.  More impressively, I didn't give myself a shock (it's happened before)

There's an on/off switch on the base and the water valve acts as a dimmer (that was a bit of pain to figure out how to do!).  Technically since the bulb can be controlled via a phone app (and it's a blue tooth speaker), it really doesn't need a dimmer.  I just thought it would be cool and a great excuse to pick up a few rotary switches.  Amazon can be a very "bad" thing.

 A better shot of the lamp.  The white power cord is temporary - it's what I had in the shop.  I've got a old cloth covered one on order from Amazon (it's a fake antique) but it will not arrive by Christmas.

If you try this project please read up on switches and good safety steps in building something that mixed electricity with iron pipes.

I doubt I'll wrap this present but I'll think he'll like it.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Painting Weaponry

The Challenge version VII is on and out come three new Winsor&Newton Series 7 brushes ready for painting combat.

Lets see how they do!

Monday, December 19, 2016

It works!

 The lamp has been wired and lights up!  More importantly, I didn't get an electric shock and the house hasn't caught on fire.

The next step will be to wire in the the toggle with on the base but that's pretty easy.  Well it's easy if I remember to unplug the cord.  If I don't then.....

I was thinking of using the the valve as a dimmer but after reading the Sengled light bulb instructions it the bulb doesn't need one as it is controlled via wireless and a phone app.

I'll test the blue tooth speaker out tomorrow and then finish the project up.

 A few in progress shots - the base is a simple design from an unknown type of hardwood.  Rockler sells a box of hardwood scraps that is one of the best buys I've every made.  I've gone through a third of the box on 6 different projects.

A shot of the base plate and toggle switch.  The hardest part of the project was chiseling out 3/4 x 1 1/4 inch slot for the toggle with to fit into.  The wood is Really hard and I had to stop and resharpen my chisel halfway through.

This was a fun project.  I stole the idea from Steve Ramsey's YouTube channel.  His videos are really corny but fun and the projects he demonstrates are very accessible by beginners and people looking for something quick.  I really like the channel.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Steampunk Lamp

 Am I the world's worst plumber?  Probably, but not in this case - I'm making my son a "steampunk" themed lamp for Christmas.

I think I can use a rotary switch to let the red handle act as the on/off.

The light bulb will also be unique - I'm installing a sengled pulse light build which also acts as a bluetooth speaker and can be controlled from a smart phone - pretty cool.

Hopefully I can get it done in time!

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Prep, Prep, Prep.....

 My workbench felt like a plastic sprue bunker as I was surrounded by spurs of Battlefront Team Yankee soviets (T-72's and Hind Helicopters)

Another 9 T-72's and 2 Hinds have been added to the prep'ed pile.  One of the Hinds is still on my workbench.

That's about all I have to get ready for the challenge - whew.....

Saturday, December 10, 2016

More Prep and an International Video Chat

 A bit more FOW Pacific has been added to the painting prep pile - Some LVTP's, an Marine Engineer Assault Section and some light AT guns.

There are even some Japans light tanks in the lower left (well the Marines need something to shoot at!)

I also participated on the Analogue Hobbies video chat this morning - Truly an international conversation with 2 people in Australia, 2 in the UK and little ole me from the US.

Paul O'G made a request that at first I was dismissive about but am now reconsidering.  He suggested making the tracking of the coveted "GIMP" award dynamic so that we can all see the ebb and flow as people battle for painting challenge immortality.

The calculations behind the GIMP award are both arcane and astonishingly complicated.  In fact they are likely beyond the grasp of you mere mortals.  Yes, it takes a mathamagician years of toiling at our trade before we can even grasp the very basics of the calculations in their terrible beauty and exquisitely painful exactness.  I worry that some of you who are not "Math-Hardened" may be driven insane by the exposure to the thinking of the gods.

That said, this year has seen very divisive level of political discourse and I think the watchword going forward should be "HUUGGGEEEE Transparency" so I am reconsidering.  What do you think, Dear readers?  Do you want to peak behind the curtain?  Can you handle the truth?

Friday, December 9, 2016

Chipping away at prep

Slowly my painting prep for the challenge continues - now 3 15mm Marine LVT's for FOW Pacific have been added to the pile.

Is it Dec 20th yet?

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Jet Lagged Prep Work

I got up at 3:30am today, which is early even for me - I'll attribute the sleeping pattern change to jet lag.

Anyway, rather than waste this new found time enemy schedule, I used it to prep more figures for the Challenge - in this case a 15mm US Marine Infantry platoon for FOW.  You may see some more of these fellows and their associated transport over the next few days.

The challenge is up to 100 participants this year, which is pretty amazing.  I've also finished rebuilding the tracking spreadsheet and I think we're ready to go.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Back from London

 Sadly, painting challenge prep took a backseat to business needs as I was in the UK on business.  It was longer than usual trip (7 days) but overall very good.  I really do enjoy wandering around the city.
 Of course the gaming related highlight of the trip was dinner with the "famous" Legatus Hedlius.  In fact I now know one of the greatest secrets in the gaming world - Legatus's real name.  Sadly I am sworn to secrecy...  We had a very nice dinner and I appreciate him taking the time to meet with me.  I will try to lure him across the pond to attend a US Gaming convention.

 The obligatory visit to the Hotel Chocolate (this is the one in Waterloo stations).  My wife really likes their chocolate and with Christmas coming up it was a must do.
 More pictures of Lambeth Castle - I really like it and will be using these for ideas for terrain making.

 I made it a point to eat at pubs almost the entire trip - here is a English turkey dinner fro the "The Rose" pub in Vauxhall - very nice

 I always enjoy going to the Imperial War museum and really took my time going through the WW1 exhibit.

 My new "favorite" place to eat in London is the "Black Dog" pub also in Vauxhall.
Sadly this trip proved expensive since I was held over for 4 days so that required an additional Christmas shopping visit to a certain location in Mayfair......

Other than a few day trips next week, I'm done traveling for the year and can return to more important things such as prepping and priming figures.  Oh yes and spreadsheets to - mustn't forget those!