
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Flames of War: Monte Cassino Terrain Section II

Some progress has been made on the terrain section, which is a good thing as it has to be completed by next Saturday!  I've completed most of the plaster and foam "sculpting" so now what's left is the terrain scenery and details.  So far this has been a really fun project and I'm fairly confident that it will get completed in a usable form by game night.  I've also discovered that I'm a huge pack-rat (what a surprise historical gamer and pack rat - who knew?).  Outside of the Chapel/Monastery everything used has come for my model rail road supply bin.  The next photo's are some closer shots of each side:

The top space (where the chapel / monastery is) will be left very plain to allow me to put in different terrain sections - like a village, fort or POW camp.  The top of the right side will probably end up being either a forest of some type of grove.  The next phase will be dry-brushing the rock facings to make them "pop" a bit and then applying ground foam.  I'm also planning to write up some house rules to allow for rock climbing and other little surprises.

I have been very impressed with the quality of the church kit from Game Craft Miniatures.  It's a top notch kit and a real joy to build.  The company's website extols the virtues of cad design leading to  perfectly fitting parts and it's no exaggeration.  Most resin kits require a good amount of engineering to get everything to go together - not this kit.  Outside of trimming some flash, it went together without any fuss.  The roof is removable and a small FOW stand can fit in the bell tower.  The casting was almost flawless.  You can see three green dots on the rough section where I reinforced the one of the roof section casts with green stuff as there was just a very thin layer of the detail side.

All-in-all I highly recommend this kit.

Here's a picture of the kit during the building phase:


  1. Whoah! I'm floored - that's looking great! Again, you've inspired me with your progress and commitment. Now I need to buckle down and finish up my projects - I just committed to another one for Enfilade in May - a Boxer Rebellion game! Thanks, Dean

  2. Miles you are doing a great job on this, I suspect you are going to end up with an excellent piece of terrain.

