
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Where Pigeons Dare: The Raid on the Abbey of Saint Odoriferous

Here are the house rules and setup for the scenario I'm running tonight.  To be honest, I haven't bothered to total up the points of the various forces so we'll just see how it plays out.  The scenario is designed for up to 5 players but can accommodate less if needed.

The US Forces Consist of three commands:

Task Force Laverne: 1 US Tank Company (7 M4 76mm, 10 M4 Shermans) 1 Armored Car Platoon

Task Force Maxine: 1 Armored Inf Platoon, 1 M10 Platoon, 1 Tank Platoon, 3 M7 Priests

Task Force Patty: US Rangers and French Resistance

Task Force Patty Enters the table in the German Rear at a location to be disclosed later

Task Forces Laverne and Maxine enter on the US table edge at the start of turn 7 (daybreak)

The US objective is to acquire the "package" which is hidden in the Abbey of St Odoriferous.  The "package" can only be moved by a large vehicle (tank, half track or truck).  If a half-truck or truck is used the package can be hidden from the German player.

The German Force Consists of 2 Commands:

On-Table: 1 parachute Inf Kampfgroup
2 FJG Platoons, 2 Panthers, 3 Stug G, 3 Puma's, 1 MG Section, 1 Regular Inf Platoon, 4 105mm Artillery, 2 Wespes

Off Table: 1 Panzer Reaction Force
2 Tiger I's, 5 Pzk Iv's, 1 Panther, 2 Stug G's, 1 Armored Inf Platoon

The Germans are to prevent the "package" from being captured by the Americans.  The Germans can only move the "package" in the event they recapture it and it must be moved back to the abbey.

The German off-table reinforcements can enter from either road exit on the German side of the table.  The reinforcements enter 5 turns after the US first moves the device.  

House Rules:
The game is divided into 2 phases, Night and Day.  The night phase is the first six turns of the game and the day phase follows it.  There are no turn limits

During the night phase all German units are inactive until a US or Resistance unit moves within 6 inches of it.  Upon activation, all units within 18 inches of the activated unit may move/shoot.  All German units on the table may move the second turn after activation.

It is rumored that the resistance knows the area very well and may disclose some "secret routes" if asked nicely and in unaccented French by the unsophisticated Americans.  Unfortunately, a two turn movement freeze will occur for all resistance units if any American forces remind them that the US has come to liberate them as the the French units will display pouty looks and sulk around.

What is the "Package"?

It's a plot device, silly

What it is in reality, well we don't really know.  All we do know is that the brass wants it and in a really bad way.  There's some chatter about ending the war early and other nonsense.

We do know 2 things.  The first is that the device is really heavy and any vehicle traveling with it moves at 2/3's speed.  The other thing we know it what it looks like.  Here's a picture:


  1. Make me laughing :

    It is rumored that the resistance knows the area very well and may disclose some "secret routes" if asked nicely and in unaccented French by the unsophisticated Americans. Unfortunately, a two turn movement freeze will occur for all resistance units if any American forces remind them that the US has come to liberate them as the the French units will display pouty looks and sulk around.

    certainly 'cause I'm French.

    Nice scenario. A bit too "pulp". ^^

  2. I agree the scenario is a bit, shall we say, "over-the-top", but it's for fun and about half the players have never played the system.

    At least I can make up for areas where my writing style lacks erudition with an over-abundance of crassness!

    My apologies for any French sensitivities I may have offended. We Americans should always be grateful to Lafayette. Mitterand, DeGaul not so much, but Lafayette was a good egg.


  3. Sounds like a great scenario. Hope everyone has a lot of fun. So, with the French Resistance participation, that monastery is a bit north of Cassino :)! Dean
