
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Joyful Festivus and/or insert politically correct holiday salutation here!  Here in the Geek's Lair we are busy with holiday preparations.  You know, the preparations where my wife commands me to do "this" and then "encourages me to do "that".  We try to make a big deal of this season with lots of baking and weight gaining (perhaps those are somehow related?).  Despite a lagging economy, 2010 has turned out to be a pretty good year and we're looking to send it off in a grand way by spending time together.  Perhaps a little "over-sentimental" but that's the way it is.

Both I and my family wish all of you and yours a wonderful holiday season.  Hopefully, Santa will be good to you and remember to bring me the special dice I asked for - you know the ones that only roll sixes!

To steal a quote from Clement Moore, "Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight"


  1. Merry Christmas jmilesr ! And I hope you have visions of miniature sugar plums dancing in your head !

  2. A very Merry Christmas to you and yours, Miles. Behave yourself, don't do anything I wouldn't do and have a safe & happy new year.

  3. Merry Christmas to you and family, too, Miles. I look forward to reading your updates in the New Year.
    Best wishes,

  4. Love your Christmas snow encrusted home pics Miles. Lucky man. May you roll 'boxcars' unless 'ones' are required! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

