
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Progress on the Roman Cavalry & Uncivil War Play Tests

Just a quick post.  I just about finished my second unit of Roman Auxiliary cavalry.  The only steps left are some clean up, shading and applying the Little Big Man Studios Shield transfers.  This unit unit should be finished be next weekend.

I also made some progress on the USS Monogahala, which has been primed and had it's deck painted.  The replacement brass rod for masts seems to working very well and the model is very durable.

Next up will be some "uncivil war" figures from Architects of War and then I'll likely start the 24 Roman Marines from Warlord - think auxiliaries with capes.  The Marine models are metal with wire spears.

The next statement may sound like heresy to some, but I definitely favor modeling and painting 28mm hard plastic figures over their metal counterparts.  It's not the cost factor the drives this inclination, I just find painting the plastic figs a bit easier than metal.  I should probably feel ashamed...


On the gaming front, I did help with some more play testing of Ernie's upcoming "Uncivil War" skirmish ruleset.  Ernie had us concentrate on some of the introductory scenarios which only have a handful of figures per side.  One game features a sherif's posse hunting deserters and it was a blast.  To be honest, I was a little dubious about how much fun a game could be with only 4-6 characters per side but I was proven wrong.  Here are some pictures of the games in progress.


  1. I look forward to seeing your AoW mini's painted up. I've got my wish list set, just waiting on my tax return to place my order!

  2. The Romans look good. That looks a good idea, cleaning your brush with Bass instead of water, I might try that tonight with some Jack Daniels!

  3. Great stuff all round but I particularly like your uncivil war stuff. Really inspiring.

  4. Josiah - the uncivil war figures are next up! They were very easy to prep.

    Ray - I agree that Bass and painting are a nice mix. While surely unrelated, I have noticed that my painting quality seems to decline in an inverse relationship with bass consumed. Hmmmm

    Paul - To be honest all of the Uncivil war stuff is Ernie's from Architects of War. I just hand around him so all the other kids think I'm cool.

  5. Looking forward to seeing the unit done and the board looks really nice!

