
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Uncivil War Battle Report: The Battle of Swamptown

I wrote up a rather detailed battle report on our recent test game for Arichtects of War's new skirmish rule set for the American Civil War entitled "Uncivil War".

The game was a blast and featured a waterborne assault, calvary battles, looting and a brave last stand in a Pig Sty - one of the most fun table top games I've ever played.

Ernie has posted the report on his website so you'll need to click on the link below - I think you'll find it worth the time to read it.


  1. Wonderful report and truly awesome looking table!


  2. Great looking report .... so what was the final verdict regarding the rules ? Yeah or nah ?

  3. jmezz - the rules are shaping up very nicely. There's a nice historical feel to the basic mechanics and the character based special rules add a lot of fun and color to the game. I should point out I'm somewhat biased as the rules are being published by a friend and I've been play testing them for a good bit. I give them two thumbs up!

  4. Great looking game - gorgeous table and scenery. The rules are interesting - I take it they are a skirmish set bit like an ACW version of Disposable Heroes? My only criticism - a very minor one - is that the pics weren't click-able.

    Looks like it was a lot of fun though and you can't do enough play-testing right?


  5. Doc - sorry about the pictures, I think that was my fault when I made the PDF. I'll get some of the pictures posted here so you can see some of the details.

    Play testing is a blast and it's rewarding to see one of my bone headed suggestions actually used!

  6. Great looking game, and a very enjoyable report!

  7. Nice report and even better terrain. That looked like an enjoyable time! The rules do sound fun...and ACW raids are certainly something I have contemplated.
