
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Historicon PEL is up - check out F-210

I'm heading into uncharted territory in July as I've agreed to be a GM for a demo of Hail Caesar at Historicon.  Proof of this folly is now available publicly as the Preliminary Event List (PEL) has been published and there you can see this titanic struggle listed (F-210).  The game will be held on Friday from 2:00 - 5:00 and if there's enough interest and a free table, I'll run another later on during the convention (likely Saturday night).  A post game round of drinks will be on me!

In full disclosure, this will be my first time GM'ng a convention game, so no whining if I screw up or arbitrarily change the rules against you because your opponent is an attractive 20 something female "gamer-grouppie".  Hey, it could happen!

I will be busy over the next few months painting up an opponent for my plucky Romans and adding some new terrain items from Architects of War, who are the official sponsors of the game.

What have I gotten myself into?


  1. You have gotten yourself into trouble but good trouble, .......20 something female gamer groupie!!!!...and fantasy aswell.

  2. Fingers crossed and good luck!!! Obviously that's for hope that the groupies turn up! And I want photos too!!

  3. Good on you mate- very selfless of you. I'm sure you will get a lot out of the experience.

    Of course if you want to pick up my travel tab, I'd be happy to travel over the Oacific to help you out!

  4. I meant, of course, the Pacific...
