
Monday, May 30, 2011

Progress on Ancients for Historicon

 A good bit of progress on painting the Romans and Dacians I'll be using for my upcoming "Hail Caesar" game at Historison.  The first picture shows the units that I have on hand - the Romans are just about done and there is a lot of work to go on the Dacians.

 This past week, I completed another 24 figure Roman cohort - it's the one to the back of the second photo.  One more "regular" Legionnaire cohort to go and if I get so real progress on the Dacians, I may throw in a unit of Praetorian guards for fun.

 Here is a 32 figure Dacian warhost (all Warlord figures) assembled and primed.  I'm hoping to have six to seven of these units completed by Historicon.  It's not as bleak as it seems as some of my war gaming buddies (Dick and Les) are pitching in to help with the assembly and painting.  I'm very grateful for their generous help.

 One of the nice things about plastic figures are all the left overs.  I decided to equip some of my Dacians with captured Roman weapons and armor.  I'll also be modifying the Romans to show some of the Field improvements Trajan's Romans put in place to counter the feared Dacian Falx.

The Dacian army will feature a unit of Sarmation heavy calvary.  These are Old Glory Sarmatians and they fit in well with the Warlord figures.  The oval shields in the last picture are for the Dacian infantry.  I've seen some blurbs that Warlord will be bring out some Sarmation calvary in the future.  I do plan on building out a full Sarmation army post Historicon.

Thats all for now, back to the work bench - must paint Dacians, must paint Dacians....


  1. That army is really turning out nicely. Keep up the good work!

  2. The army is coming along nicely.

  3. Impressive project in such amount of time. Looks great and I look forward to see more of it. Michael

  4. Good update and progress, a goal is a good incentive to get lots done.

  5. Nice work so far. Great painted minis

  6. And I thought I was a fast paper, nice work, look forward to hearing about your experience

  7. Beautiful work so far Miles, you're motoring along. 7 x 32 figure warbands will be a pushover at this rate, bring 'em on!!!

  8. Fantastic work on the Hail Caesar Project and great to see you sticking to it!

    Thanks for taking the time to post pictures as it is keeping me working on my Romans and Celts :)

    Happy Gaming,


  9. Excellent progress. Looking forward to seeing the finished forces

  10. Great work, you'll soon have them all done!

  11. Wow, I'm grateful for all the encouraging comments. Hopefully I'll have a test battle report to add in a few weeks

  12. Looks like everything is coming together very nicely.....keep it up!


  13. I love the look of those Dacian figures Miles - mighty tempting to collect now they're out in plastic! ...But I must resist! Another army and its financial ruin and the Family Court!

    Look forward to seeing how it goes at Historicon.


  14. Well done, Miles. Keep up the steam! I find that these kind of events are a great way of getting stuff done (whether you like it or not!).
