
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Completed PSC Panzer IV's and Battlefront Stuarts

The two tank platoons that I was working on are now complete and sealed.  The front one consists of 5 Battlefront Stuart models and the rear are 5 Panzer IV models from the Plastic Soldier Company (PSC).  I know there are six Panzer IV's in the picture - the one to the extreme right is a Battlefront Panzer IV thrown in for comparison.

 I decided to keep the Stuarts rather plain and didn't add any stowage details.  My rationale is hoping to able to use the models for either British or US forces.  I'm planning to add a British late war rifle company to my allied force.

 Here's a close up shot that compares the Battlefront Panzer IV (on the right) to the PSC version.  As you can see the Battlefront model is a bit wider and slightly longer.  The biggest source of the width variance are the side shields which hang out from the model rather than just attach along the side.  While the Battlefront method of attachment might be more "realistic", it's also subject to a lot of table top breakage, so I prefer how PSC just glues the things along the hull.

Oh yes, Hurricane Irene did a number on our garden.  I'd say we lost over half of our plants including most of the tomatoes - :(

On the plus side, the storm seems to have been a boon for the insect life as we are seeing lots of Praying Mantis and even Shelob returned to another spot in the Garden.  I believe the unfortunate victim the spider is focusing on is a 28mm Frodo figure from the GW War of the Ring line.


  1. Very nice, I bought a BF battalion box of Panzer IV's. The side armour drove me crazy and essentially I almost through it in the trash. Yours are all very nice.


  2. The Battlefront side armor is the very definition of "fiddly"!

    One trick I learned was to place a small ball of greenstuff in the low center of the inside of the side armor plate. It holds the thing in place while attaching to the tank and then serves to make the armor much stronger when moving on the table top. Players grab tanks on the sides and with the Battlefront Panzer Iv's the side armor can snap off if it isn't reinforced.

  3. Nice looking armor units. Sorry to hear about the damage to your garden. However, looks like your fence survived - as well as the wildlife. Best, Dean

  4. To be honest most of the garden damage is my fault - I put off replacing the wire tomato stand/baskets with a permanent wood lattice structure. The cheap wire stuff couldn't stand up to the wind and over they went.

    On the plus side, the eggplants liked the water infusion and I got an early start on the fall plantings (mmm brussel sprout and cabbage!

  5. Great job on the tanks! That spider look damn mean!!

  6. Great job, glad Irene didn't do any more damage than plants though, all hail Shelob.

  7. Nice whack of armour there - good job!

    The spider completely creeps me out btw...
