
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Progress on a Viking Warband for "Saga"

A short progress update on my Viking Warband for use with the new Saga ruleset.  Saga uses a simple point system where each force is worth one point and the quality of the troops drives the number you get per unit - Hearthguard (elite) have 4 figures per unit, Warriors (average) have eight and Levies (poor quality) have 12.  My Viking Warband will feature 3 units of Hearthguard, including one of beserkers and a unit of warriors.  I'm not sure how the unit will do on the table top but it should be fun to field.

Here's a shot after a few hours of painting.  I still need to do the details, including shields and straps but there was some good progress this morning.  The figures are a mix of Gripping Beast metals and plastics.  I'm planning to use some of my Dacians as stand in for a test game next week.


  1. I've been hearing a lot of good things about Saga. At least one of the local crew has it. Might be time for a playtest. Best, Dean

  2. Vikings are looking good! Painting some Picts for Saga at the moment but still waiting on my copy of the rules.

  3. Very nice, I was reading about the rules in Wargames Illustrated, you don't seem to need a lot of figures but a lot of dice per nationality?

  4. 'Angry" - You're correct on the figures a warband consists of 20-30 figures organized into 4-5 units. If you pick lower quality troops the numbers of figs goes up a bit.

    As for the dice, you need 8 "command dice" and the ones produced bu gripping beast are nice and add some flavor. They are also six sided and one can easily substitute normal D6 (the rules show how).

    All-in-all this looks like a fun game


  5. Looking good, I want to buy the rules, but they're sooo expensive!! I'll probably end up getting them though??

  6. I have Normans and Saxons in the (massive) pile, and am thinking of using them for SAGA, yet to buy the rules though.

  7. Yes it is hard to control oneself, I should have a little surprise on my blog within the next couple of days where I have steamed off on a tangent
