
Thursday, January 5, 2012

US Rifles Completed and a 3rd Unit Started

 Last Saturday, I completed the second unit of my 28mm US War of 1812 army - the 4th US Rifles. All of my US figures are from Knuckleduster and I really like the sculpting style.  The Knuckleduster style has slightly more exaggerated features, sharper cheek lines, larger noses and the equipment is a tad less symmetrical than you would see on a Perry plastic.  This style isn't a bad thing as it lends a bit of world weariness to the figure.  They look less parade ground and more battle worn.

 Anyway the figures are a joy to paint and I highly recommend Knuckleduster.  My command stand will be using some left overs from a US Regular infantry command pack so they don't have the exact uniform style but their uniform colors match.  I think they'll do fine.  You can see the command figures in the far left of the second photo.

 One last photo of the Rifles.  These will be classed as an elite unit.  I'm thinking of re staging the Battle of North Point for my first game scenario and a US Rifles unit figured very prominently in the fighting.

The final picture shows the next unit up for painting, another US regulars infantry unit.  This one will be painting in Spring / Summer uniform (blue tunics and white pants).  I should get these guys finished over the weekend and then it will be on to either some US militia or the Glengarry Light Infantry.  I also received 2, 40 man battalions of British Infantry (Perry plastics) that I had painted by a friend on commission (Mike M). They came out great and I'll get some pictures up when I can.


  1. Very nice looking unit and should be a nice point haul in the challenge.

  2. Nice looking bunch of painted minis.

  3. I agree with Fran very nice and should give you a nice point jump.


  4. Excellent looking figures. I have a number of Knuckleduster figs staring at me on the my desk right now, patiently waiting.


  5. Very nice paint job. You should get bonus points if you use themm within a set time frame LOL


  6. Excellent painting! They look great, I'll have to check Knuckleduster figs out!!!
