
Friday, March 9, 2012

More FOW

 A bit more progress on my Panzer Lehr Panzer Grenadier Company (say that 5 times real fast).  Completed with this batch are the Company HQ, along with Optional anti-tank units and a full Panzer Grenadier infantry platoon.

 Here's a close up on the HQ section.  I also completed another 3 anti-tank teams to add to my existing panzer grenadier platoon to bring it up to the Lehr TO&E.  The halftracks are from PSC and match almost perfectly with my existing battlefront german halftracks.

A close up of the panzer grenadiers.  To the lower left is a kubelwagon that I also completed but it goes with the Nebelwerfer battery.

Here's a close up of the infantry - very basic paining and then a wash of Devlan Mud - it seems to work well with 15mm scale figures.

Oh well, back to robotics for the next few days.  My son's team is competing at an FRC event, which involves building fairly large robots.  As a rookie team it's a bit daunting but I think they'll do fine


  1. Nicely done. I like the half-tracks. Good luck to your son.

  2. Looking good. But then I would say that as I'm collecting Panzer Lehr as well...

    Good luck in the Robotics event!

  3. Nice looking army and good luck on the event!

