
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Trafalgar Refresher Game

 Last night my son and I played a few turns of using the "Trafalgar" ruleset to refresh all the basic concepts.  Trafalgar is a relatively simple ruleset that gives a pretty good feel for the age of sail.  It does make for a pretty game with 1/1200 Langton miniatures.

 We didn't set up a scenario in detail.  Rather it was "this" group of ships smashes into "that" group.  I did learn that putting a British 3rd rate in the lead and having it make first contact with the Santisima Trinidad and Bucentaure (1st and 2nd rates) isn't conducive to it's long term flotation viability.

One trick we have learned with the game system is to use specifically colored dice for the different gun classes as they have various range modifiers.  For us it's white for light guns, red for heavy and blue for carronades.

I'm trying to decide what type of game I should GM at Historicon this year - it will either be Hail Caesar or Trafalgar.  The requirements for Trafalgar are much easier to transport but those ship models are not the most durable - decisions, decisions.


  1. Nice looking, I actually have the ruleset, a starter box of 1/2400 ships (yet unpainted) and a seamat from the terrain mat.

    One of these days maybe.


  2. Great photos, 1:1200 ships with all the rigging and running look immense. Did you rig them yourself?

  3. Lovely, lovely game - beautiful ships. Reminds me that I need to play a refresher game (Black Powder) too. Best, Dean

  4. Those ships are very nice! A really great table...

  5. Beautiful ships mate - I made a bunch a few years ago and they didn't come out anywhere near as good as yours!

  6. awesome looking game. truly stunning - im dead jealous. :)

  7. Thanks for the comments. The 1/1200 Langton's do look very nice, but they require a good bit of effort to build.

    I think the outcome is worth the effort, but then I'm a sailing fanatic!


  8. Now that looks like fun - second only to messing about in boats, right? Beautiful looking models too.


  9. Well Doc - it might be blasphemy to say this on a miniatures blog but there's nothing better than messing about with real boats (especially sailboats!)

    I have played a game of Trafalgar onboard using 1/2400 scale mini's with my son while we were overnighting during a race. We set up the game on the floor of the cockpit (it was both too small and too hot in the cabin) - that was a gaming/sailing highpoint for me.

  10. Oh very, very lovely looking game!!

