
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

War Elephants and a Dacian Command Stand

 My final entry for the Analogue Painting Challenge consisted of some War Elephants, a Dacian Command Stand and some 28mm US paratroopers (not pictured).  I purchased a pair of 28mm War Elephants from Sgt Major Miniatures at last summer's Historicon and have finally got around to building them.  I think the figures are from a company called Molon Labe.

 The kits were very fun to build but a bit of a challenge to paint, which usually ends up in a fairly rewarding experience.  I like how the Elephant skin came out.  The figures were primed with white and then block painted.  I used Vallejo "Grey-Green" for the elephant skin and then applied the GW wash "devlan mud".  I may redo the howdah's in a lighter color as the grey may be a bit too dark.  The 2 man crews are based on separate 20mm square bases that are trimmed to fit within the Howdah and makes them removable.  This will allow me to build some customized crews fro different Nationalities so that the 'Ellies can serve in multiple armies - what ancient army doesn't need a few more Elephants?

The Dacian Command Stand is meant to be used for the overall army command stand (I used circular bases for command with wider diameters used for higher ranks).  The figures are (from left to right) a mix of Warlord (King Decebalus, his Shaman and a Roman casualty) and Wargames Foundry (Dacian Command Pack).

Now that I've got the wargame table back, I'm itching to get my Romans and Dacians back on tabletop.  I wonder who'll get to use the new "Ellies for the first time?????


  1. Love the Nellies!! As i said on the Painting challenge blog, I love the armor on the nellies legs, top, top painting Sir!!!!!

  2. I like those Elephants, maybe I can do some, and say that Napoleon brought them back from Egypt, or even better I suppose I could say that Wellesley brought them back from India.


  3. Nice work all around, but I like those elies especially. So those would be the old Vendel models - I like them! If I ever feel the "need" to get more elies, I'll be sure to check these out. Best, Dean

  4. Great looking ellies. Like the idea for interchangable crew.

  5. Love the Gandalf-type shaman on the command stand ;)

  6. Great work Miles! Those 'phants are especially excellent.

  7. Those ellies just turned out wonderful!


  8. Ooo, ooo - elephants! Always room on any table for a few Nellies! Love the job you did on them - and the Dacian command stand with Gandalf the Dacian and the dead Roman (nice touch)!


  9. Thanks for the compliments - the 'Ellies were a lot of fun and look really impressive on the table top.

    "Gandalf the Dacian" I like that name (chuckle) - I think that will stick. Who knew that JRR Tolkien took so much inspiration from the Early Imperial Roman history?
