
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Broadsides: June 10th, 2012

I've heard that the Broadside show has had some misfortune with advertising timing and has asked for some help in getting the word out on the event, so I'll do my part to support out trans-atlantic alliance.

Seems like a fun event AND it's located in one of those British  towns with a funny name - what's not to like?  Also by attending the show and mentioning you came via a blog post like this, you'll become an information-age freedom fighter valiantly striking a blow against the corporate hegemony who control the media and access to effective advertising placement.  Fight the Power, Fight the Power!!!!!!

Ok that last bit might be a "bit" over the top.  Please go to the show if you can.



  1. Yeh Miles!! Fight the Power!!!!
    Nice One!!

  2. There's an 'h' in the town's name they've missed out for some reason....

    As for funny town names, isn't there a village called Wet Duck in Arkansas?

  3. Please tell me the "h" comes after the "S"!

    As the the charming hamlet of Wet Duck, Arkansas - well lets just say it's not the worst example you could have countered with.


  4. Fight the Power!!!! Nice one Miles.
