
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy July 4th

 A Belated happy July 4th to everyone out there!  We had a great day on the Maryland Eastern Shore - no progress on miniatures but a fun day.  The first picture is another holiday themed sculpture from my neighbor.  It's very impressive. The pictures not very good but it has a 15ft tall Uncle Sam supporting "ala Atlas" a 28 foot long sailboat.  The sign to the left reads "Democracy: A delicate Balance" and the two guide line have signs that read "Compassion" and "Self-Reliance" - click on the photo, it's an impressive sculpture with a not-so-subtle political statement.

 Speaking of sailing, my son and I decided to get out our sail Kayak as it there was a very nice / steady wind Saturday.  We noticed that the starboard pontoon brace was mission so we jury rigged one out of some 1x3 stock lumber and it seemed to hold.  I'll need to order a replacement part or fashion one out of some metal tubing.

Lastly an image a nature's fury!  Our cat Oliver, who is definitely and indoor cat, valiantly defending our home from a menacing Praying Mantis.  Oh it was a titanic "virtual" struggle and we are all very proud and thankful for Oliver's steadfast defense of the home

Well that's about it except now it's only two weeks to HCON!

1 comment:

  1. That's the way to do it. Glad you a great Independence Day too. Best, Dean
