
Monday, September 3, 2012

Frog Rescue: Operation Successful!

There was a bit of excitement over at the Uber Geek Lair.  As I was floating about our pool (oops, I mean vigorously exercising - if my wife asks)  I heard a commotion in the shrubs behind me and then a series of splashes.  It seems that a rather large frog (over 12 inches long) was making a mad break for the safety of the pool.  Unfortunately for the frog, his pursuer, an enormous black snake (five to six feet) who had ahold of one of his legs, came with him!

I've always been a benefactor of our amphibious friends given their ravenous appetite for bugs so I had no choice but to spring into action.  I should point out that the impending frogicide must have made my blood boil because the water around me became a lot warmer upon seeing the aggressor serpent.

Years of carefully honed inactivity paid off as I was able to both yell and splash at the same time.  I'm not sure if it was the precision placement of jets of water or my high pitch little girl scream that drove off the dreaded viper or perhaps the combined arms effect of my attacks but my efforts were successful and the cad released the frog and retreated back to his hideout to assuredly plan other mischief (hopefully against the rabbits as those bast**** try to eat my brussels sprouts!).

With the immediate threat dispatched, I coolly went about trying to catch the frog in the pool, which is not as easy as it might seem.  After many attempts I think I tired him out and he submitted.  Outside of a few teeth marks he seemed OK and I did what any other man would do when holding a giant frog - bring him in the house to show the wife.  Elementary.

I'm sure you will all be shocked to hear that this potential new addition to our family was not greeted with open arms and in fact, I was told to release the poor creature immediately.  I'm paraphrasing my wife as any direct quotation of her utterances would not be fitting in an all ages blog.

Just another day on the Maryland Eastern Shore.  That's how we roll....


  1. Great post, very amusing. My reactions would have been very similar except I wouldn't have been able to even pick up the frog!

  2. :-D Poor lost it´s dinner...only joking.
    I´d have done the same.

  3. Funny story! My last run-in with a snake didn't go as well for me or him. It involved setting a chicken coop on fire...

  4. That must have been one relieved frog! He probably thought he was 'out of the frying pan, into the fire' for a moment there ;)

  5. I want to hear about that chicken coop!

    thanks for the comments


  6. Interesting development afraid I found a frog in a similar position years ago but I allowed nature to take its course as the poor frog was already half way devoured poor fellow. however if your wife insisted on catch and release then its highly likely the poor fellow met his fate as the snake awaited his return to his hunting grounds. As to brussel sprouts - I am rooting for the rabbits!

  7. The sheer terror of it all!

    You sir are made of stern stuff. The fact that you didn't pull your Webley out (I am sure you had it close at hand as always) and start blazing away at the devil indicates your sensitivity to nature and ability to keep your cool under the most ardent of circumstances.
