
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Building Sectional Terrain, Part VIII: All Roads Lead to Fall-In

With Fall-In less than a week away there are still things to get done for Lundy's Lane - namely roads and fences.  The roads are made out of asphalt shingles that are painted and then flocked around the sides.  The benefit of using these shingles is they are flexible but will hold a shape, come "pre-textured" and their cheap.  It's a pretty clever idea that I though up all by myself - no really I did - you can trust me.

OK this isn't really my idea.  In fact I stole it and just about all of my other good gaming and terrain ideas from Ernie over at Architects of War.  In fact he has a tutorial on how to make them already prepared!  Here's a link to the "shingle road" tutorial.

On a non-gaming note, my son has recently completed his Eagle Scout service project and he's pulled together a blog that describes his experience.  As you may guess for earlier posts, he is a fanatic about robots and was able to combine his engineering passion with the scout service project.  His project involved organizing, fund raising and coach a Jr First Lego League Robotics team for disabled children through the Easter Seals 'Little Warrior" program which supports special needs children of deployed or disabled veterans.  It was a very challenging project for him to work with autistic children but the team did very well.  Here's his website:  His site could use some traffic so please take a look.

OK enough proud pop stuff and back to road making!


  1. Nothing wrong with being a proud pop, will head over.

  2. I hope the old storm doesn't create problems for Fall-In. Oh well, "What is to be Done?"

  3. Hope all goes well, robotics-wise and @ Fall-In but batten down the hatches and keep safe from that monster storm!
