
Thursday, December 13, 2012

I am Ronin Number 29....

Curt over at Analogue Hobbies has kicked off the 3rd version of his painting competition.  During last years competition I came in 8th out of 24 competitors with a final score of 1,061 points.  At 5 points per 28mm infantry fig that's the equivalent of 212 painted soldiers - that's a big output for my glacial painting style.  I was very pleased with my tally.  Of course it was dwarfed by the winner, Ray (Don't throw a One) who had a staggering 4,940 points!  The final few weeks of last year were a very spirited competition with one amazing entry after another.   From a reader's perspective it was very fun and much more interesting than the usual "look at my toys" type of blog entry.

I used the painting competition to kick off a new War of 1812 project, which ultimately led to hosting a game at Fall-In.  I'll be doing the same this year but will be focusing on a 28mm American Civil War theme - I really like the new Perry Plastic Confederates!

This year's event is much bigger than last years and has 47 participants (hence the 47 ronin reference).  No painting can commence before December 20th (that means you too Ray!) so I'm busy assembling and priming Perry ACW figures along with the competition entry few - a 28mm Samurai.  I have tried to convince Curt that a few confederate units went into battle completely grey - head to toe, in a shade that looks like today's grey auto primer.  I even attempted to back this statement up with almost irrefutable proof such as:

- "I think I saw it in an Osprey"
- "I read it on TMP"
- "Why do you think they called them the 'Boys in Grey?'"

I'm not sure curt will take the bait but one never knows (insert sinister laugh track here)

I've set a goal for 1,000 points again this year but we'll see how it turns out.

Gentlemen, please start your brushes.....


  1. Good luck this year, it's always enjoyable watching everyones efforts

  2. Good luck to you sir! 47 painters, this is a lot more competition than last year.

    Nicolas, Ronin # 30

  3. Moi????
    Good luck Sir, I think its gonna be a hard slog this time around!!

  4. Wishing you good luck, I am having a break from prepping as it's too cold to undercoat right now, but soon soon....


  5. Thanks for the shout out Miles, much appreciated. I look forward to seeing the debute of your Tremclad Rebs!

  6. I think gray primer and an army dip and your might win over Curt :)
    Looking forward to seeing your ACW I have a 6mm army that may see some paint during the comp.
    Peace James
    Ronin 17
