
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Robotics Update FRC: Washington DC Regional

 My son's other robotics team, FRC team 4067, had a 3 day competition in DC this weekend.  His FTC team has qualified for the World Championship and we're now focus on his FRC team to see if we can there also.  The first shot is a picture of the drive team queueing for a match and my son has his back to the camera.

 The next shot is a picture of the field and shows the team setting up the robot.  There are 6 robots on the field (3 per side) and the game is a version of "ultimate Frisbee" where the 'bots shoot frisbees into the goal (see the blue outlined areas) and then can gain extra points by climbing the red and blue towers.  These robots can weigh up to 120 pounds, so they're significant pieces of equipment.

 This is a shot of the pit while the team is doing some emergency repairs in between matches.  Our shooter system was loosing power so the team had to rebuild it in less than 30 minutes - they were still tightening bolts as the bot was being placed on the field.

Here's a shot of the team.  One of our sponsors is Sony, so we donned Sony T-Shirts for the team picture (which I took).  The team did well for the event and had 4 wins and 4 losses, which is very respectable for a second year team.  Our next events are in two weeks for the this team and in 4 weeks for Sean's FTC team at Worlds.


  1. Congrats to the team, I had no idea they had so many members in the team.


  2. Congrats!! My son is doing the Lego team, but we're following our High School team as well-- which will new be competing against you at Nationals!
