
Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Snow!

 It seems that "Old Man Winter" is trying to make up for lost time.  This year's winter has been very mild (perhaps one of the few positives of global warming?) but March has not cooperated.  Snow in the Spring?  Yee-gads, I thought only Yankees deserve such treatment, which, of course, they deserve.

Only my son is happy 'cause his school has been cancelled for the day.  At least it's pretty but I'm really ready for Spring - you know - the spring with sunshine, warming temperatures and flowers.

Ahhh, the good old days.


  1. Well this Yankee is tired of snow thank you! Besides with spring its a lot easier to prime figures!

  2. I really need Winter to be over as it's depressing me to no end. Rationally I know Spring will come, but emotionally I'm in a constant state of disbelief.

  3. We had about 4" of snow over the weekend. Its already melted.

  4. Still got (cold, icy) snow on the east coast of England ;)

  5. We escaped to Florida for 5 days and missed out on the snow, but we return to it tomorrow. Wait until April!
