
Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Aftermath

I now know what an Medieval city must feel like after the Mongols have moved on.  Mary Beth had over 40 students attend her function this year and from what they consumed one would have thought it was more like 400.

Look at the prowling around the kitchen, waiting to grab the food.  Yes, this was a very dangerous pack of lady dental barbarians.

 Sure they look benign - sugar and spice and all that stuff.  Don't let that fool you - these young ladies are scarily efficient professionals.  OK they're actually very nice and seem to put up with the very odd husband of their favorite professor.  Some even professed an interest in seeing the robot and the "cute little soldier dolls".

 Here are my wife's interns, two off who have just started their rotations.  The one of the left is Greek and brought homemade spanikopita and baklava. She is now my favorite and I will be lobbying Mary Beth to give her A's.  The spanikopita was really, really good.  Is there nothing that feta cheese doesn't make better?

Here's an action shot of the assault on the dining room table where the buffet was laid out.  No doubt some of the keened eyed of you will notice similarities to the attack of Hougemount or the Alamo.  The Buffet put up a valiant defense but in the end was overwhelmed by the sheer numbers and the savagery of the attack.  Only a few bread sticks escaped to tell the tale.

Yes it was rough duty being surrounded by my wife and her wonderful students.  I need to make sure we schedule this event at a different time than Salute is next year!


  1. You are fortunate to have spent your day surrounded by such beauty.

  2. Man - gamers do get all the chicks! Dean

  3. I think someone really enjoyed himself despite the devastation of the lunch table! Mmmmmm.... baklava [drool drool]

  4. those savages will then attend to people's dental health... it could be your children's dental health!... we better raise awareness of the danger looming in the future.

  5. Yes, Doc, it was very rough duty.
