
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Yet More Robotics: A Second Team Invited to Worlds!

Yes I realize this is supposed to be a miniatures blog, but this is the high point of the FIRST robotics season and a lot is going on.  The big news is that my son's FRC robotics team (4067 - the frisbee shooter from the last post) has also now received an at-large invitation to compete in the Robotics World Championships.  That means he'll be leading teams in two different categories (FRC and FTC) to compete at Worlds.  This is a rather rare occurrence and we're al a bit overwhelmed with prep for for next weeks competitions.  Worlds are held in St Louis this year and run from April 23-27th.

An at-large bid is similar to being one of the last teams added the NCAA college basketball tournament.  We didn't win a regional event to qualify but performed well enough to impress the judges and earn a spot which is really exciting as this is just the second year we've competed at the FRC level.

So between now and April 28th there will be no miniature painting or gaming as I'll be coaching two teams at Worlds and,more importantly, focusing on the logistics of transporting two robots and a few thousand pounds of tools/equipment to and back from St Louis.  It's all very exciting but a bit daunting at the same time.

The event will be broadcast over the Web on NASA TV - just go to the NASA Robotics Alliance web site and look up the Robotic Alliance.  Our teams are:

FTC Team # 3113 "Some Disassembly Required"

FRC Team # 4067 "River Hill Hawks"

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