
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Confederate Army Review

 Historicon is only 2 months away so it's probably time to take stock where my preparations are for the two ACW games that Mike M and I will be GM'ng.  First up is the Confederate army, which is pictured to the left.  There are 8 completed infantry regiments (out of a planned 10) and 4 artillery batteries (more on the last two infantry regiments in a bit).

A closer look at one brigade that has it's flags attached.  All of the figures are either Perry plastic or metals.  I made a decision for my ACW project to use only Perry Miniatures - they have a very large ACW range and I find the Perrys to have the best quality overall.

 Here's a shot of my Confederate Zouaves - it's a really big unit (36 figs vs 24 for a normal regiment) and will feature prominently in the big battle game at Historicon - more on that in another post.

The last two regiments are still on the work bench.  The one in the back is completely painted and I just need to scenic the bases.  The one in the foreground is 20% painted and will get down over the course of next weekend.

What about the Union?  Well, I cheated there and ordered a bunch of figs from MMPS - they arrived a few weeks ago and all I need to do is base them - 10 full regiments and two calvary.  They are hiding in the white boxes in the upper left of the first picture in this post.

I'll need to turn my attention to some confederate calvary, union artillery and command stands for both sides, which should get done over the next 4 weeks.


  1. Looking good miles! I love the Perry sculpts, but didn't think I could ever get enough painted or have a table big enough for the set piece battles of the ACW. Eager to hear more about the battles you'll be running.

  2. Looking good miles! I love the Perry sculpts, but didn't think I could ever get enough painted or have a table big enough for the set piece battles of the ACW. Eager to hear more about the battles you'll be running.

  3. looking great Miles look forward to this game

  4. Some great looking figures Miles!

  5. Great looking troops!

  6. Thanks for the comments

    John: I'll be running 2 games at histiricon this year a Skirimish level game friday using the new "Uncivil War" rules (and featuring a 28mm scale Model of a confederate ironclad as the objective - with interiors) and then a "big battle game" on friday where the OOB is influenced by the skirmish game

    I'm going to start playtesting in a few weeks if your interested!

  7. That's a great looking army you have assembled! Looking forward to seeing the rest.

