
Monday, June 17, 2013

Ironclad for Out Upcoming Historicon Games

 Mike's made some great progress on the ironclad model that will be the focal point of two upcoming games at Historicon (F-295 and S-296).  The is a 28mm scale model of a confederate ironclad - complete with interior.  A lot of detail work remains but the ship looks grand.  It's over 31 inches long and 9 inches wide.

Here's a shot of the basic interior - there will be a lot of fighting over her at the con.  There's still room to sign up for the Friday night game.  Our Saturday game is, sadly, sold out.  Many thanks go out to Ernie at Architects of War for sponsoring both games

I hope to see you at Historicon.


  1. looks great, have a great time at Historicon
    Peace James

  2. Terrific looking vessel - have fun at the con buddy and we'll expect a full report in due course!

  3. Very nice, makes me quite envious ;)
