
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Historicon Report: Sink the Tennessee AAR

 Just a few pictures and a brief summary of the "Uncivil Wars" game Mike and I ran at Historicon last night.  The game's theme was a union raid to destroy or capture the Confederate ironclad Tennessee.   The first picture show the ironclad getting off a canister shot, trying to kill the Union engineers and there damn explosives.  Surprisingly, the engineers escaped harm.

 Another "whiff of the grape" at some Union Marines - they didn't fare so well.

The climatic battle involved the crew of the Tennessee vs a union infantry regiment that managed to force their way in - this fight went on for 3 turns until the crew was finally subdued and the ironclad seized.  While a Union victory it was by a very narrow margin as you can see the LA Tigers just about to try and board to re-take the ship!

We thought the game went very well - I'll post a more detailed battle report when I get back from the con!


  1. Looks like a terrific game. great setup.

  2. great looking game Miles, hope you got a chance to relax too

  3. Looks like a great game hope it all went smoothly!

  4. Very nice. The iron clad looks great. Sounds like a fun game that came down to the wire.

  5. Great looking game and models - especially that one of a kind ironclad. Best, Dean
