
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Redoing the Game Room

 An unexpected benefit of becoming an empty nester is that I've received an edict from the wife to make the game room "presentable".  Our downstairs has taken a beating from 5 years of robotics teams beavering away for 8 months out of the year so it does need a bit of a sprucing up.  This is one "Honey-Do" task that I will not shirk.

The picture above shows the gaming room with the 8x4 foot table in the center.  The room measures 21.5 feet long by 11.5 feet wide.
 Running down the right side of the room is a storage closet that's 4 feet deep and 21 feet long so there's lots of storage.  Of course 3/4 of that space is taken up with non-wargaming stuff most of which hasn't moved in years so we're planning to have a pitch out / sell weekend to clear some space.  You can see the how I've used the space I've got to store my ancients, Napoleonic naval and War of 1812 collection (in the blue boxes).  I'd like to add some display cabinets to the room.

In a fit of madness, the wife has also allocated me the space that leads into the game room which is 14.5 x 14 ft.  This is where we used to set up the 12x12 ft robotics field(*) and now will become my gamers "lounge".  There's some storage in the pictured closets but that's been labeled as off limits by executive management.

I've been given a good bit of space to play with (approx 450 square feet).  So now I need to figure out what to do with it.  So far of the "to do list" consists of:

- Build / Buy some display cabinets for the minis and 30+ robotics trophies.  IKEA make some nice and inexpensive cabinets so that may be the way to go.

- Improve the lighting over the table

- Build leafs to let me expand the playing surface of the table to 12 feet long and 6 feet wide

- Add some seating to the lounge area including a recliner for my more "reflective" moments

- Add some game room appropriate "decor" military paintings the odd musket or saber

- Redo my sectional terrain the consist of 2x4 ft panels rather than 2x5 ft.  I'll get more flexibility and they are much easier to store / transport.

- Do so on a very limited budget - I'm still in budget negotiations with the Boss on this but lets say she's figured out the only real way to control this endeavor is the financial lever.  It is very difficult being married to someone who is WAY smarter than you.

- Get all this done by Nov 1 - why Nov 1?, all projects need and arbitrary and unrealistic deadline in order to get done.

So here's my question to you - if you had the game room of your dreams what would you like to see in it?

(*) I'll still be coaching robotics this year but we will be setting up shop at another parents home - the wear and tear of 18-20 high school age boys for 5 years has proven a bot too much for the house and my wife.  I do expect to fund some of the project from the reduced grocery bills I'll have - you will not believe how much food those lads can consume!


  1. Miles - you've hit my main requirements already... big table, good lighting, seating and storage...
    but I'd add a stereo/music source to the mix.. and don't forget to also pimp your painting area... :o)

  2. Wow! I wish I had a spot like that! Put in a BAR! And, um a painting bar/station!

  3. You definitely need to get. Bigger game table. 6x12 should be easy to do. I use folding "cafeteria" style tables 6 x 2.5ft so every two tables gives you five feet of length and six feet of depth. I have a 6x 15 table set up this way and can expand another five feet if needed. I get the tables at Office Max or Office Depot


  4. *Individually controllable lighting, plus specific lighting for the art work.
    *One work bench 8' by 3' for painting and 2 more for terrain building.
    *A large number of all cherry book shelves for the collection, one high back buffalo leather chair, side half circle table for my scotch glass and cigar, and a proper read lamp.
    * All glass lite display for minis with at least double the space to expand
    * A 20' by 8' table that could split in the middle for reaching.
    * A bar, stocked with single malt scotch, and a mini frig for ice and chilled drinks.
    * And lastly because a stripper pole would be over the top; a "Palm Scanner" for access control.

  5. Something to consider for the table, especially with the very large storage area. The table you have now is great for robotics but its overkill for a gaming table. I would recommend getting 3 6'x30"or 36" folding tables. Then take the tabletops (nice plywood with a finished edge) build a frame underneath to fit over the folding tables and then you can expand in 4' increments and get up to your 6'x12' with an easy setup and take down. Everything can then be stored in that huge closet. I would also consider building your painting, construction station in one end of the closet.

  6. what you need is a resident gaming troll living in the corner. I would be happy to accept the roll :)
    No I think you have most covered some nice display cabinets and a good painting/model building area would be my only suggestion.
    Peace James

  7. Yes, a great space!

    For me, everything else is secondary compared to having a big wargames table.

  8. Miles, I am seriously jealous - in a magnanimous way, of course - your gaming domain is larger than my house lol
    Nice one, mate ;)

  9. Did you say gaming room? I think you mean gaming hall don't you? I don't have anything to add what hasn't already been said, but it already looks great!


  10. I think that all the suggestions have been made. I will pile on to the idea of having something set up for snacks and beverages if the kitchen is somewhat far away. You'd be amazed at what you can do with a toaster over and a microwave.

    I also totally support random and arbitrary deadlines.

  11. Whoah, it looks like you game a Victoria Secrets or something! Very nice space (even if it doesn't have the VS staff assisting for games).
