
Friday, September 27, 2013

Game Table Changes

 The clean up of the game room continues and I've made some repairs to the gaming table.  I really enjoy coaching robotics but sometimes high school aged boys can be both messy and a bit rough on the furniture - a shocking revelation to be sure.

 The sliding doors have been replaced with new tracks so hopefully they'll stay in working order.

 Look it now slides open!!!!!

The tabletop has a piano hinge along one side and can be propped open at a 45 and 60 degree angle to be used as a drafting board.  It was a great idea on paper but I think we've used it maybe 3 times.


  1. What a great gaming table! (I may have to hate you for this. I'll check my calendar.)

  2. A great looking table. Building something similar is on my bucket list.

  3. looking great Miles a top venue for a game
    Peace James

  4. "Truly, they were as Gods who made this..."

    I stand amazed. A thing of beauty and a joy forever!

  5. That, my friend, is a gorgeous table. I like the mix of bookshelves and hidden storage - very elegant. I'll have to fly you up here to Canada to get you to make me one!

  6. I'm on it - I just hope the tools aren't all metric and stuff...

  7. Looks great!

    Did you make the game mat yourself or could you provide the details of who sells it.


  8. Locker:
    The terrain mat was purchased from the "Terrain Guy"
