
Monday, October 14, 2013

2013 US Sail Boat Show

Sailing is my other hobby and it vies for the number 1 spot with gaming.  On Sunday, I spent most of the day at the US Sailboat Show in Annapolis.  The Annapolis show is "the event" for sail boats and is the largest show of it's kind in the world.   The weather was awful - in fact Sunday was the only day it didn't rain all the time.  The first picture is a Great Harbor 26' Day Sailor that I've become very interested in.  The boats are built by Hank Hinkley Boat  Builders in Maine and it has a nice combination of simplicity and classical lines.

This year's show was much larger than the previous three years and it can be a bit overwhelming.  The big theme were cruising catamarans - there were about 20-25 different boats in the 30 ft plus range being debuted.  I'm a bit of a mono-hull type but some of the cat's are very nice.

I also got to meet a very impressive young lady who used the craft pictured to row across the Atlantic - wow!

I didn't take a lot of pictures as I was running from booth to booth but it was a good day.  Most importantly, I didn't buy a boat on impulse - had I done so, then I may not have survived the wrath of the Mrs!

Here's a picture of the Day Sailor's interior - I've never seen an "Easy Chair" configuration but it's pure genius!


  1. Loooooooove that day sailor - it's a lot of varnish to keep looking nice though!

  2. The Hank Hinkley Day Sailor is a lovely boat - the cabin is very unique - it feature 2 "Easy Chairs"!

    I'll post of pic of the cabin

  3. Liking the day sailor - wife and I took lessons in SoCal and have long forgotten the necessary skills. Need to take it up again.
