
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving from the Uber Geek

Just a short note from the Lair wishing all of you and your families a happy Thanksgiving Day.

Here in the Lair, it's the quiet period before the storm of preparation begins.  I think I find the frantic preparation of the feast as much fun (maybe even a bit more fun) than the actual eating itself.

My wife prepares a legendary meal and what may be even more myth-building is the kitchen mess she can create.  At times, I think she secretly takes handfuls of flour and just throws it in the air.  Of course, there will be the inevitable Thanksgiving Day challenges to be faced - the panic of a missing ingredient, a dropped pan (ahhh, the year of the para-turkey!), a spilled glass of wine - all things that will be overcome and transform from crisis to cherished memory.

But the main theme of the day is to be Thankful for what we have and I find my self with an overflowing cup there.  We're all healthy and, with my son is home from college, we're all together so what can be better than that?

Have a great day, enjoy the football and be thankful for what you have.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Miles. Glad to hear you and your family are safe and sound for the holidays :)

  2. Hear, hear Miles - well said. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

