
Monday, November 18, 2013

The 4th Annual Analog Hobbies Painting Challenge - I am sooooo in!!!!!!!

The Analogue Hobbies 4th Annual Painting Challenge is coming up again!  This event is sponsored and run by Curt C., the author of the excellent Analogue Hobbies blog and it's become one of my favorite gaming related events of the year.  The challenge starts on December 20th and runs through March 20th and essentially is a race between all of us to see who can paint the most toys in the that frame.

I usually combine the challenge with a goal of hosting a convention game that uses the majority of the mini's I've painted and will do the same this year.  I managed to paint up 10 Confederate 24 fig infantry regiments last year so it's a good motivator.

The big news for the 4th challenge is that the field of appropriate miniatures has been expanded beyond historical's and can now include sci-fi and fantasy.  That works well for me as one of my planned game expansions is "All Quiet on the Martian Front" from Alien Dungeon.  Thanks Curt!

Assembly and priming of the mini's is allowed before the start - so I've got so model prep work to get done!


  1. Looking forward to seeing your Martian goodies as part of this.

    Good luck, and lets hope we all retain our sanity!

  2. Good too see you on board again sir. Here's to the impending madness!

  3. oooh sounds interesting, I will follow closely what you produce

    Good luck


  4. Cripes, I forgot about the shed-load of Rebs you got completed last year! That WAS brilliant. I'm looking forward to seeing your martians and such, but I'll not keep you longer from your assembling and priming... Do carry on, old boy!

  5. Good luck and have fun with the challenge !

  6. Me too! Good luck with the challenge.
