
Monday, February 3, 2014

Fireforge 28mm Templar Knights

 My latest submission to the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge - a unit of 12 Templar Knights.  These are 28mm scale models and are produced by Fireforge Miniatures.

 These figures were both very easy to assemble and even easier to paint.  For some reason I find painting medieval figures easier than any other period.  The shield covers are decals from Battle Flag.

 Originally, I decided to do this unit as a "one-off" but I've now come to the "conclusion" that it wouldn't be fair to these guys if I didn't build out a full Crusader army to keep them company.  It seems like the only reasonable outcome.  Over time, I'll build out a medium sized Crusader force (10-12 units).  All of the figures will be based individually on magnets so I can field them either in units or individually use them for skirmish gaming ala "Saga".

Next up will be the 24 figure Templar Infantry box set from Fireforge and perhaps some command figures from the Perry Crusader line.  I highly recommend the Fireforge Templar Knights.

As for their foes (whenever I build out an army, I build out an opponent force also) I'm a bit undecided.  The "normal" choice would be Saracens but then again the fine folks at Fireforge are coming out with a line of 28mm plastic Steppe Tribes / Mongols.  I've always wanted to do Mongols.....


  1. Very nice Miles, I will look forward to seeing more of this new army!

    Table is looking great by the way.


  2. These Templar Knights are looking great!

  3. Very nice work indeed !

    Will be nice to see the future of the project.

    Best regards Michael

  4. They look great, Miles. Sounds like you'll be fielding a very impressive Crusader army - these Templars not the least of it. Best, Dean

  5. Fabulous painting! The white of the cloaks looks great.

  6. Top painting Miles, great looking troops!

  7. Superb Templar Knights Miles!

  8. Lovely, very striking in their flowing white mantles.

  9. Thanks for the nice comments. I found these figures very easy to paint!
