
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Painting Challenge Update

 A bit of an eclectic mix of submissions to the painting challenge over the past few weeks.  First off, yet another 24 figure Confederate infantry regiment in 28mm - 18th Georgia.  As usual these are Perry Plastics confederates.

 I've now completed 4 out of the 5 regiments from Hood's Brigade in 1862 and only need to finish out Wade Hampton's South Carolina Legion.

 A few more artillery pieces and some command / camp figures and the armies will be done for Historicon.
 Next up is a Flames of War objective marker that I submitted as my "bonus round" submission for the casualty category.  It's a Plastic Soldier Company german half track that's run over a mine.

 I cut open the rear doors to make it look abandoned and did some "fender" bending over the front tire where the "mine" went off.

 Overall, it came out nicely and only took about an hour to complete.
 I had a much more elaborate submission planned but just couldn't pull it off and shelved the project for now.  Sometimes projects just wander off the track and it's best to move on for a bit.
 Lastly, I completed the IJN Coral Sea Fleet by adding 12 Destroyers and 2 Light Cruisers.  The fleet was also reinforced from it's historical levels by the addition of 4 Mogami class Heavy Cruisers and the Yamato and Mushashi battleships

 Here's a close up of the two Japanese battle wagons!
Here's the full fleet - 5 Carriers, 2 Battleships, 12 Cruisers, 2 Light Cruisers and 28 Destroyers.

What's on the painting schedule next?  Well the challenge ends on March 20 (three weeks!) so I'm feeling confident that I'll make my target of 1,500 points as I'm currently at 1,356 points.  My personal target is to finish in the top 5 and that will require a burst of productivity.

Scheduled to be painted next are the following
- A pair of Martian Grenadier Tripods for All Quiet on the Martian Front (test models)
- A few boxes of the new 28mm Perry plastic ACW artillery (3 guns/crews per box)
- A 24 figure Confederate Infantry regiment (28mm)
- A few odds and ends for my 28mm Japanese force for Bolt Action / Chain of Command
- Some themed figures for the last two bonus round submissions "Hero's" and "Last Stand"

Time will tell what actually will get done.....


  1. Miles:

    Your high production and quality remains impressive! Amazing amount of ACW Perrys; nice FoW marker as well as ships. Best, Dean

  2. Hi Miles:
    The Perry ACW figures are cracking. I look forward to seeing Hood's Brigade in its entirety. Your other work is impressive as well, but I'm a sucker for ACW stuff. You're a lucky man to have gotten his paws on the Perry artillery. I'm still waiting to see it.
    Well done.

  3. That's some very impressive stuff you did over the last few weeks. I especially liked your ACW stuff.
