
Saturday, March 1, 2014

A Birthday Present for MEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 My birthday was over this weekend (52 for those of you who are counting) and when I awoke I found this mysterious box waiting for me in the kitchen.  What could it be?

Well there was only one way to find out, so I ripped open the box with the fury and enthusiasm that is normally reserved for greed infused maniacal 5 year old on Christmas morning....

 And what was in the box?  A chair, well not just any chair but a bona-fide Aeron drafting chair to use at the work bench - the Rolls Royce of hobby sitting - the Bentley of classy game room decor, the Porsche of speed painting, the Audi of small scale engineering - well you get the picture.

This is a big deal in the Uber Geek Lair.  Normally the only pleasant things my wife says about our hobby is "at least my husband's mid life crisis involves painting toys and making a fool of himself in the basement and out of the public view rather than chasing 20 year olds in sports cars he can't fit into in public.  My wife has a way with words, much like a master sword crafter with a blade.  I think we can all assume that this hobby supportive gift is prima fascia evidence that she whole heartily supports the hobby and only wants me to indulge more - it's the only logical conclusion one can draw.  Cold War vendors get ready cause I'm coming with a righteous fury and big wallet!

 Here's a picture of the assembled chair.  It actually went together very easily - just like one expect a bespoke piece of gaming hardware should.

 And here's a picture of the my little green beauty in her new home.  She's straining at her post just waiting to get assembling or painting or napping.  She's a thoroughbred all right.  I don't know about you guys but I distinctly hear the sound of a sports car engine emitting a low rumble as it waits to spring out upon the autobahn of hobby activities.....

No wait, I had cream brûlée at dinner last night so that's not the chair rumbling....

There is a bit of sadness today - as we usher in the new lets us take the time to thank an old friend for many years of service supporting both me and my hobby.  You've witnessed a lot over the years - from the joys of discovering washes make ones mediocre painting look less mediocre to the travails of confusing the white spray primer with clear flat varnish.  You've endured many indignities from being knocked over to after effects of the above mentioned cream brûlées.  And yet you still soldiered on faithfully supporting my ever increasing frame.

It's time for a rest my friend, a well deserved rest.

Old hobby stools never die, they just get placed in a corner until game night.


  1. Great tradeup! It's so nice you might want to cover it so it doesn't get paint on it.

    The old Craftsman chair looks like a backbreaker. ;-)

  2. Congrats of hitting 52. My wife has similar opinions on my hobbies.

    Cheers and enjoy your throne,

  3. Happy 52, Miles. Nice new tush cush; the "retired" one will be welcomed at any game too. Best, Dean

  4. At least it's not a walker...

    Happy Birthday Miles!

  5. have a Rolls Royce of seats - Happy Birthday, by the way, Miles ;)
