
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Finished Objective Markers

 I've finished the three objective markers for Saturday's Bolt Action tournament at Cold Wars.  The Tournament has three rounds and I'll present each of my opponents with one of these as a token of the event.

 From left to right, there's a command post complete with secret battle map, a fuel depot and a hidden observation post / machine gun nest.

The command post.  Picking out the map graphic was a lot of fun.
 The fuel dump.  I've used the last of of S-Scale model rail road scenery details on this one so I'll need to resupply those at an upcoming train show.

 Lastly the observation / machine gun nest.  I'll lighten up the wood a bit.  It's not as dark as the picture shows but it could use a bit more dry brushing.

The entrance to the bunker - I think I've seen this type of door before - I just can't remember where....


  1. Very nice scratch-building, Miles. They will make a great addition to Bolt Action games. Best, Dean

  2. Very nice work. Especially your hobbit lair... pardon hidden machine gun nest caught my eye.
