
Friday, April 25, 2014

All Quiet on the Martian Front is just about to ship....

AQMF will be shipping during the month of May!!!!  I can't wait to get my order and start building out both sides.  Since I live just over a mile from the galactic HQ of Robot Peanut Studios, I may just wander over and pick up my stuff rather than wait an extra day or so for the mail!

Pictured at left is the massive model of a US Land Ironclad - it weights almost 5 lbs and is a real beast.  I was lucky enough to play test the Land Iron Clad rules (using a mock up) and they were a blast!!!!  It was fun to have something to take the fight directly to the Martians.  Sadly, the first Land ironclad destroyed by the Martians was under my command.....

I'm planning to paint mine with a more naval theme - battleship grey and such.  My gaming buddy, Mike, is thinking about using a WW1 dazzle camo pattern.  I'm getting very excited about this game.

Limited pre-orders just went live of the Alien Dungeon website - don't be left out!

1 comment:

  1. Blimey Miles! That is beyond my comprehension ;) (in a good way)
