
Monday, April 14, 2014

Making Mud for Models Tutorial

 I've been using a new technique to add mud effects to models - a mixture of Liquitex Modeling Paste and some paint - in this case flat brown from Vallejo (70-984).  I like this process as it adds a nice 3D effect to the mud that my skills can not achieve with shading and dry brushing alone.  Let's see - quick, easy, cheap - yup this method hits all the requirements for me.

 You'll find a little of the mixture goes a long way so this tub should last a long time - I grab a little bit on a small modeling spatula and plop it in a mixing "bowl".  In our case today, it's a cut down styrofoam coffee cup.

 Mix in a few drops of paint - 2 drops got me a nice chocolate frosting color (too light) so a few more drops plus one of Ochre Brown.  There really isn't a set formula here - just add color to you get want you want.  Since it's much easier to add color than take it away, proceed by only adding a drop or two at a time.

 Now comes the tricky part - hand crafting a custom made application device - henceforth referred to as a "pointy stick".  I whittled down a craft stick.  The key is to have a pointy end to help guid and shaper the mud when applying - the smaller the model you're working with the pointer the stick needs to be.  No doubt some of you will be thinking - why not use a tooth pick.  That's an acceptable alternative if you don't mind taking the cowards way out.  What could be more manly than "whitl'n" a stick?"

Apply the "mud" sparingly and allow at least 12 hours drying.  I find the mude effect work next on a 28mm scale vehicle but you get acceptable results with 15mm - as pictured on the left.


  1. Sounds like a good idea!

    In the past i have used dirt mixed with brown paint and white glue. Not to keen on that mix actually. Lately i have switched to plaster mixed up with brown paint instead of water. Drybrushed with a earth brown this looks good as we'll.

    Anyway... looking forward to seeing yours once dried!

  2. Sounds like a good idea!

    In the past i have used dirt mixed with brown paint and white glue. Not to keen on that mix actually. Lately i have switched to plaster mixed up with brown paint instead of water. Drybrushed with a earth brown this looks good as we'll.

    Anyway... looking forward to seeing yours once dried!

  3. Hmmm... A nice trick, Miles.

    I'm always a bit hesitant with mud and such things but I should try this way...

