
Monday, June 23, 2014

Fire & Fury Regimental Playtest

 Yesterday, I had the opportunity to participate in another round of play testing over at Rich H's house.  Rich is the author of the ACW ruleset Fire and Fury Regimental and always puts on a great event.  I played a small scenario on a 4 by 5 foot board depicting the final action in the Wheat-field during the Battle of Antietam.  The action depicted an assault by 4 Union Brigades against 2 Confederate.  I commanded the Confederate Brigade on the right flank.  The miniatures and terrain are 15mm scale and are from Rich's extenuative collection.

The first picture show this initial contact of the blue wave - the Union had 7 turns to get to the upper left of the picture.

On turn three, the Confederate side saw the chance to launch a spoiling attack which, if successful would cost the Union some precious time and likely win us the game.  The odds were in our favor and the attack launched....

While the odds amy have, indeed, been in our favor the dice were not and the Union was able to both repulse the assault and maintain the momentum of their attack.
Towards the end of the game - one last desperate assault by the confederates to regain a VP area.  Both sides were worn down by this part of the game (turn 6).  The assault failed and then my brigade quit the field due to failing a command check and we conceded the game.

The game was a blast and I really enjoyed it.  Fire & Fury Regimental is my favorite set of rules for the ACW, but they do require some investment of time to fully understand them but that investment is paid off in a great gaming experience and a real feel for the era.  I highly recommend the rules, which can be purchased directly from the author here.


  1. Great looking game! I've always found F&F enjoyable as well.

  2. Nice looking game, love this beautiful table!

  3. RF&F is my favourite rule set for the ACW, but is time consuming to play in comparison to Black Powder. If I have the time and/or have a few players that have a working knowledge of Rf&F then that's the rule set I use, but if I have a lot of players with few knowing the rules then I opt for Black powder.


  4. I concur - F&F Regimental is the best set of rules I've played for the ACW but require a good understanding to play. For convention games where you have to assume most players don't know the rules I opt for simple rules like Longstreet or Black Powder

  5. Nice terrain and figures; and who better to play with than the author of the rules :)!

  6. Wow, that table is fantastic! Getting to play on that, with the author of a great set of rules, who's a lucky chap then? :-)

  7. That table looks excellent. I would love too see more of it.


  8. Fantastic looking game! I too very much agree that the rules are the best for ACW. We also use them for AWI!
