
Friday, July 11, 2014

2014 Historicon Prep

 The river sedge sections have been completed - 5 feet of river's edge on two sections (one 4' and the other a foot).

 I'm pleased with how they came out.  I have decided to redo the water it's just too damn blue.
A shot with the Union Monitor in the picture - at 28mm these are big darn models.  Also completed on the HCON to-do list are all the player handouts / cards / charts for both games.  All that's left is some shading on 8 Confederate artillery figs and I think it will be time to start packing.

I'm also painting up a few vehicles for the Bolt Action tournament on saturday - still trying to decide wether to play Brits or Japanese.


  1. Looks fantastic Miles - looking forward to some action shots!

  2. Those look very nice. And damn big in 28mm.

  3. Awesome Miles. Having just done a Con myself, I know the amount of work you've put in for this. You can see the results - these iron clad river monsters in 28mm are very striking - don't forget plenty of kapok for smoke!

    All the best for Historicon pal. Looking forward to the action report!
