
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

1/1200 Langton US Third Rate Almost Complete

A bit more progress on the US Third Rate from Langton Models.  All that's left is a few more rigging lines and the National flags / pennants.  After numerous tabletop mishaps, I've learned to keep the rigging to a minimal level.  Taught rigging becomes un-taught when the masts get bent.  Such are the tribulations of the table top Napoleonic Sailor!

I need to come up with a name for the ship, but don't have my research files handy so that will wait until after vacation.  This ship becomes the fourth of my planned 7 ship US fleet (3 Frigates and 4 74's).

Next up is a US Frigate - the 38 gun Congress.  The model was one of the first I purchased directly from Rod Langton and will be modeled at full sail using all those somewhat fiddly brass sails.  Once the Congress leaves the workbench dry dock will be another frigate - the 32 gun Essex.

Still trying to get the hang of posting with an I-Pad


  1. Looks very nice. I always marvel when I see the rigging added to such tiny models. Just looks too fiddly for me!

  2. America (given to France), Washington, Franklin, Columbus, Ohio

    There were others but they were either not finished or sat in ordinary and were not commissioned.

  3. Cracking work Miles - she's a beauty!

  4. She's a beauty. You're a talented and patient man to put that much work into the rigging. Bravo.
