
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

2 US Ships of Line Ready for Service

 My 1/1200 Scale US Fleet has been enlarged by two new ships of the line - the 74 Gun Third Rate USS Columbus (on the left) and the 44 gun Frigate USS Congress (on the right).
 A view of the other side of these ships.  Next up for the US is the 38 gun frigate Essex and then some odds and ends from GHQ - a Xebec, a 24 gun East Indiaman and a Baltimore Clipper.  I'm hoping to put on an Age of Sail game in the next few weeks.

I had a visitor in my pool yesterday - a newly hatched Terrapin turtle - cute little bugger isn't he.  He swam up to my wife while she was exercising in the pool.  I'm not sure who was scarred more my wife or "Bubba" as we've dubbed him.

After making sure he wasn't hurt, I re-located him to the marsh and wished him the best of luck.  It's a tough world out there for little turtles.


  1. Love the Ships mate - can't wait to see them in action
    Looks like that reptile is a monster in that scale - what stats does he get? :-)

  2. He gets 3 heavy cannon attacks and an auto re-roll for being a youngster - In 1/1200 hundred scale he's 200' wide!

  3. hehe! Of course he could also represent a traditional Korean Turtle Ship too!

  4. Excellent work on the ships and a nice addition to your menagerie. Make sure that he's got a comfy place for his winter dormacy. Or don't do turtles that in your region?


  5. The ships look great. I can't remember if you talked about your bases before. They look like you've carved texture into the surface. Am I off base? Just wondering if this is custom work.

  6. Most of the bases are resin casts from langton Miniatures. About a third are done by me with liquitex flexible modeling paster and a wet wooden stick.

    Stefan - turtles do hibernate in the winter here in the marshes which is were I put mister Bubba
