
Monday, September 29, 2014

The Essex is Done!

 Another frigate has been added to my 1/1200 scale US Fleet - the USS Essex a 38gun ship.  As previously posted, this was yet another Langton model with the brass sails.

 All of the additions to the US fleet, from left to right, the USS Essex (38 guns), the USS Ohio (74 guns) and the USS Congress (44 guns).  All-in-all a nice little addition to my collection.
Another shot of the new additions.  I suspect these ships will see some action very soon.


  1. Looks great, Miles. You've motivated me to start on some Ancient ships I have (couple of Langton and Valiant). Best, Dean

  2. Very nice Miles. What about the rest of the standing rigging? It really helps to stabilize the mast for playing on the game table.


  3. I'll add a bit more rigging to support the masts but I tend to keep rigging to a minimum.

    I've found the brass ratlines provide most of the structural support for the mast and the rigging can snag players fingers. I'm also sure that a bit of laziness on my part influences my "rigging-lite" approach!
