
Friday, October 10, 2014

Ironclad Play by Blog Game - any interest?

I've been participating in a "play by blog" Napoleonic Naval game being run by Clint over at his "Anything but a One" blog.  The game is about to hit it's 11th turn and has been both very extremely fun and fascinating to see the social dynamics.

Since I'm really not the most creative of people, I've decided to give Clint the highest form of a compliment by copying his idea but changing the venue from Nappy Naval to American Civil War ironclads.

Why ironclads? - a few reasons:
(1) Despite having a large 1/1200 Napoleonic Naval collection, I think Clint has that market covered
(2) I've decided that my next convention game (Historicon'15) will have have an ironclad scenario and I want to test out a rule set and some game management concepts.
(3) Ironclads are cool - 'nuff said

The purpose of this post is to gauge interest in participating.  Given that I'm kind of lazy, I'll limit the number of players to 8 and each will control one large or two small ships.  To be clear, you'll be guinea pigs, but guinea pigs involved in a grand experiment that pushes the boundaries of gaming, social networking and technology.  I'm highly confident that the Nobel committees may be watching our little endeavor with some level of interest.

The game will start sometime in December.

Oh there will be prizes for participating - yes, I'm not above bribery to goose participation....

Please let me know what you think.


  1. Sorry, just been over to Clint's blog and his reply to your comment over there made me realise something.

    If you only wish players that you are immediately acquainted with, then I perfectly understand, and will retract my offer of playing.


  2. If there's room for me I would be delighted. I have no objection to being a guinea pig I prefer it to being a hamster with a wheel!

  3. I love to be in if there's room for me. Full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes!


  4. everyone is welcome - I just hope you'll want to stay!

  5. I am very interested in trying this out. Can I please play?

  6. I'll take a commission in this venture too please, should one is available! I look best in Grey :-)

  7. I'd be interested in giving it a go as well if there's room (and never having played an ironclad game isn't a problem)

  8. Looks like you might be oversubscribed now but I'd be keen if anyone drops out. Cheers, Alastair

  9. That's nine players so far - I think that makes for a good game (once I figure out the scenario

    Out of respect for his rank and naval experience, overall command of the Confederate Navy will be offered to Paul of the Man Cave. Command for the Union is still up for grabs and there are rumors of a third faction.......Hmmmmmm.......

    Please note my selection of Paul is in now way influenced by my desire to get him to crew on my sail boat for the spring racing season while he's posted to the US - no really it didn't

  10. Chris - your in and that makes 10

    I think I'll hold at ten to see how this first go works out

  11. Agghh.... Read Clint's reply too late, but I wish you all well, and if anyone pulls out then I'd be delighted to join. Whatever occurs this is another blog to follow :-) Good luck captains and may the Confederates roll low :-P

  12. Blax - you're first on the wait list

  13. Many thanks indeed. I'll keep my fingers crossed :-)

  14. Drat! I missed out on a spot!

    If anyone drops out, can I be second on the wait list please?

    Having run Play by blog games but never played in one, I would love to join in if/when there is room.

  15. Probably just as well that I missed the deadline for this, but I will follow it as a spectator with great interest.

  16. Just dropping a line to state that I've had to create a new username (I was previously r.a.e. gingerbhoy) and blog, due to a google+ issue that left my old account near unusable.

    I am still interesting in playing in your game, and am in the final stages of development of my own (land based) cowboy play by blog game, that I hope to run in the new year.

