
Saturday, December 20, 2014

28MM DAK Army Started

The painting workbench has been cleared of 1/600 scale ironclads (the subject of a future post) and the next project underway is a 28mm German Afrika Korps force for either Bolt Action of Chain of Command.

The mini's are from various manufactures, which consist of (from top to bottom) Rubicon Miniatures - plastic PanzerIII's, Warlord - resin 8-Rads, Perry Brothers - 38 plastic Infantry men and Warlord again - the two motorcycles.

Some artillery support and heavy machine gun support will need to be added to the force over the holidays but what's on the table will be a good start.  With my holiday preparations pretty much complete, I'm hoping to complete this lot and submit them for the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge in the next two to three days.


  1. Oh they look awesome. Great Afrika Korps force and really looking forward to seeing how these turn out. Nice mix of manufacturers too.

  2. I'm already looking forward to seeing these finished :)

  3. I'm still speechless from when I read 2 to 3 days.

  4. What colors will you be using for the infantry? Are you following the color schemes from Bolt Action?
    Best wishes for a great holiday!

  5. Holy Cow Roy's right. I read that as 2-3 weeks? you're going to paint all them in 2 to 3 days!!!! utter Madness!!!

  6. Looking forward to seeing these painted up, Miller. DAK are a cool force.

  7. Well you're definitely ambitious! Looking forward to the finished results.
