
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge V: The Total Production

 Well what does one get from participating in a 3 month long painting challenge and foolishly setting a goal to finish in the top5?  It turns out one gets to have a lot fun and end up with a crap metric ton of painted minis!   The top picture shows the total production which generated 3,204 points and put me in a tie for third place with Millsy from Australia.

A closer look to the left shows the additions to the my Confederate and British fleets which will appear at Historicon for a "what if?" scenario of a British intervention into the ACW.  The Warrior is true to scale with the others - she is a massive beast.  Behind the ironclads are a pair of Spanish 74's and some 28mm ww2 US marines and Brits.

 To the right one can see the additions to the Union fleet and what turned out to be a massive WW2 DAK army in 28mm scale.  I think I went overboard here.

 To the rear are some additions to my All Quiet on the Martian front collection including the massive US Land Ironclad.  AQMF is a great game and I need to get back to playing it.

Lastly some odds and ends - another 36 figure French infantry battalion, 24 British troops from the Zulu wars, a British Intervention force artillery battery, some FOW stuff and a largish collection of Arab / Israeli figs in 6mm.


  1. Wow! That is a lot of painting! Seriously impressed!

  2. Quite impressive. I wonder if I would hava managed to keep up until the end of the challenge.

  3. Stunning, sir... simply stunning. You've been breath-takingly inspirational during this challenge, with your frequent postings. Definitely made the thing more enjoyable for me. Many thanks :-)

  4. Yours was a fantastic effort and worthy of first place in a sane man's challenge but unfortunately for you we had two guys totally insane :-)


  5. That was a fantastic effort Miles and such a huge amount painted. :)

  6. Outstanding work! Are you planning on taking a break from the brushes now, or are you on a roll and this will be your regular output level? :-)

  7. Very, very impressive. Looks like your new problem is appropriate storage facilities!

  8. An impressive haul mate! I'm glad we finished on a tie, it sums up the spirit of the challenge nicely and we're both winners with all the newly painted toys.

  9. Holy cow! That is an amazing amount of painting. Do you have any brushes left? ;-)
