
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Sectional Terrain: A Production Improvement and the frames are done

 My main staging area for doing terrain work on the panels is an old (25+ years) Black and Decker Workmate bench.  A Workmate is a fantastic workshop helper - very sturdy, a great vice top but the platform's max size is 24 by 16 inches - not ideal for resting a 24x48inch panel on top of while working.  I nearly knocked the 2x4 panel off several times while applying ground foam so a solution needed to be found.
 One of the 1/4 inch plywood panels had a damaged corner so I decided to sacrifice it to become a work platform.
 Add a centered T-Structure under the board for the workmates vice grip to grab and now the workmate becomes a 24x48inch work platform.

 One other thing to do before scenicing the panels is to test fit all of them to ensure they are flush - no material gaps.  On one of my panels one of the long sides had warped and needed to be adjusted.  Some quick work with a hand planer and the offending bulge was removed.  Like sanding, it's important to do all of this work before scenicing or you'll get saw dust mixed in with you ground foam.  By the way, if you are a camper save the wood shavings as they can be used to help start a campfire - I keep mine in a plastic bag.
The last construction step is to stain the visible wood sides of each panel (if you choose).  I use a gunstock finish because it's what I had on hand.  The next step will be inserting the pink foam boards and texturing their surfaces with grout.


  1. Impressive woodworking, Miles. I grew up with a maternal grandfather who was a master carpenter. My oldest brother got into the field and also did very well. Me, I just goofed around in our tool shed making skateboards and odd weapons. In fact, my wife said the other day when I complimented the work my other brother, who passed away a couple years ago, had done for his family as a legacy - she said, "how come you don't know how to make stuff like that - you only paint toy soldiers." Well, I guess I have to be content with that. :)

  2. I get similar comments from my wife about the toy soldiers. making skateboards isn't a half-bad skill to have

    I used to build sailboats (1:1 scale) and may return to that once I'm done with the working life. For now it's just toy soldiers and the occasional furniture/cabinet project - and most of those deal with Toy soldier storage!

    I'm very sorry to learn your brother passed away

  3. Nice blog. I really like how your´re doing it. Very good tutorials too!Some day I will try out doing some boards too, your info will be very helpful. Thx for sharing.
