
Friday, July 17, 2015

Historicon 2015: Day1

Just a quick post about day 1 - it was a blast.  I ran the civil war ironclad game today and people liked it so much I ran it a second time in the evening with most of the same players showing up to play again.  A few quick shots of the first game which resulted in a resounding Union victory

I was very pleasantly surprised that the game earned an award for the day - it's hard for Naval games get an award because the terrain is a bit sparse.  

The second game was much more intense but also resulted in a Union victory but that was more due to the capitan of the USS Hartford -a young man named Cody who rolled dice like no tomorrow and simply evaporated ships with ease - we all had a good time!

Here's a shot of my terrain panels set up for the Friday land battle game

I'll post a more detailed report on the naval action when I return but overall I'm having a grand time


  1. Well done Miles! Looks like a corker of a game.
    Cheers, PD

  2. it's been great to watch this game evolve and i'm really pleased it was such a success

  3. Cracking stuff Miles! Looking forward to seeing loads more photos. Make sure you get some nice big ones so we can see the detail mate.

  4. Congratulations Miles! The game looks fantastic (I absolutely love playing ironclad games).
