
Thursday, August 13, 2015

A New Project: AWI

 Here at the Lair, we are embarking on a new project and time period - the American Revolutionary War (A.K.A. the American War for Independence or AWI).  My starting forces to be painted are 3 boxes of plastic Continental Infantry from the Perry brothers that I picked up from the Architects of War booth at Historicon.  Hmmm Perry miniatures - what a surprise.  The Perry's also have a large range of metal AWI figures as does Fife and Drum Miniatures.
 Each box has 38 figures which consist of 30 rank and file infantry is 6, 5 figure sprues and...
4 rifleman figures on 2, 2 figure spurs and a single command sprue of 4 figures.  Each successive Perry plastic set gets a little better and these Continental Infantry are no exception.  They can be modeled as either militia or regulars and there are a lot of arm / pose combination possibilities.

My gaming partner-in-crime, Mike, is a bit of an Anglo-file and will be painting up the British side of this little fracas.  We're both leaning towards basing for skirmish gaming rather than "big battalions".  The implication is that we'll use  round bases rather than squares for each figure.  I've got enough "big battalion" formations for both the War of 1812 and the ACW so focusing our AWI collection on skirmishing is a nice change up.

This project will be aimed at putting on an even bigger show at Historicon 2016 where we are planning to do a series of games on both the AWI and the War of 1812 - but, as always, with a little historical twist.....


  1. You are a machine Miles!

    I must admit that after living in New England for the past year and visiting a range of AWI battlefields and historic sites, I am very tempted to delve into this period also. Only a lack of a viable opponent has prevented that so far. So far...

  2. Looking forward to seeing the results!

  3. Great stuff, Miles! Your tireless gaming projects are inspiring - that said I can't seem to pick up a brush myself :), so watching projects like yours is wonderful. Smaller battles sounds like a nice option too.

  4. Hello,
    Yes I used 20mm square bases for my infantry. You can then use the figures for a multitude of game options. AWI, it addictive and a great period. Watch the arms and sleeves on the riflemen.. Make sure you lint the fringes up or it all goes horribly wrong.

    All the best

  5. A very interesting new project. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress. In case that you appreciate some inspiration look out for the TV series 'Turn'. A bit too black and white in my opinion but very entertaining anyway.


  6. Good stuff, looking forward to it!
